Friday, July 15, 2005



Hello everyone and welcome to the BYU Nerd's Blog. I'm here to satisfy any need of Nerdity you may have. I am a big nerd. I love being a nerd. I can be social as well, but we will not speak of such things on this blog. This blog is for my nerdiness and for you to share in the glory of being a nerd. So what can you come to expect from this blog? Let me tell you. Stories of my own nerdiness. Reviews of movies, anime and video games. Answers to questions you may have and the occasional superfight spectacular. And much much more. So first I'll give you a breif history on my nerdiness.

I recieved a Nintendo when I was 6 from my parents. As a kid I had only 8 games but they were great games. Now I own about 250 NES games. I also own a Super Nintendo with about 50 games, a N64 with about 30 games, a Playstation 2 with about 40 games, a Gamecube with just a couple games, and a Gameboy Advance with about 20 games. I'm a big fan of the Final Fantasy games and most RPGs. I know the basics to D&D. I'm a huge Marvel and DC comics fan, as well as a lot of webcomics. I've seen many many films and will continue to do so. I'm a big anime fan as well.

The other things I'll end up doing on this column is answering questions. Any Nerdy questions you have please ask and I'll do what I can to answer them. The other thing I love answering is fight questions such as who would win in a fight person vs. person. If you have any of those I will do my best to answer them for you. To who I think would do it, and I hope it would spark conversation. So if you have any questions you can add it to my comments or you can send an email my way at so start asking away.

So as for me I hope you enjoy your time here and I'll do what I can to keep updating.

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