Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Blast Corps
Blast Corps for the N64. What a grand game this is. It's currently in my N64 because I found that the save states had been erased so it gave me a perfect opportunity to play this game again. This game has a really funny premise. Basically there's a Nuclear bomb tied to the top of a truck and the brakes don't work! Oh no! It's continually on a runaway course to destruction. So it's up to the Blast Corps Team to take their different vehicles and destroy the buildings in front of the runaway bomb so it doesn't blow up. So this game is more of an excuse to blow up buildings then anything else. The vehicles you use to blow these buildings up include a bulldozer, a tonka truck which you use the back end to blow things up (really hard to control), a buggy with turbo boost, a tricycle like car that uses missles, a wrecking truck which uses the sides to crush things, and the three super robot suits, Thunderfist which somersaults into buildings, J-Bomb which flys and falls onto buildings and the amazingly obnoxious Cyclone which uses gymnastic tumbling to destory buildings. Each level gives you which ever one of these it feels like and you have to clear a path.
One of the interesting things about this game is that after you accomplish making a path, you have to go back into the level and destroy all the buildings to get 100% and find secret satalite things to open up new levels. Levels that are opened become such things as time trial races and weird versions of the game Pac-Man.
The greatest aspect of this game is after you've cleared a path in every level, and beaten all the side levels the bomb blows up in some grand canyon and you're all done.... But not quite, oh no! A space shuttle is going to crash land on an island unless youbulldoze buildings for it to have a runway. Once you do this you can now fly to the moon and destory buildings on the moon. Wow, what a hilarious concept. It's a lot of fun making your vehicle fall onto buildings with such low gravity. But the fun doesn't stop there. Once you've finished the moon you get to to races and blow up buildings on other planets, such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Neptune. Once you've beaten all those levels then the game makes things even harder. Now do every level timed with a really hard time limit in each one. Once you've done that, then you've completed the game.
Back in my prime a great many years ago I had gotten most of the times completed, and my brother helped with the rest, but now a days I must not have the bulldozing skills I used to have. Now I can only get about three of the time trials on any of the levels. It makes it a very hard game and also one you just get sick of because of how impossible they've made it.
Overall I give this game 8/10 tonka trucks
Concept: Funny concept with lots of mind numbing fun and a little bit of puzzle skills.
Graphics: Good for the N64, so nothing much to complain.
Sound: A soundtrack of one or two songs with lots of annoying character phrases that get old fast. Turn off the sound and put in a good crush buildings cd.
Playability: Hard to control the tumbler and hard to successfully use the tonka truck. Other then that it's quite easy to figure out.
Entertainment: Shut your brain off and blow up buildings!
Replay: Every Once in a While